Hi!! It’s been a while since I shared a home DIY here! This will actually be PT 1 of 2, as I did something similar to Honey’s room following this run in Colly’s!
Back in January, I wanted to do something to brighten up Colly’s room. If you’ve been following our fam for a while, this room was actually my office for 6 years before Colly was born, and in that time, the walls were lined with huge IKEA kallax shelves. That said, they’ve definitely been thru some wear and tear!
I started off by painting the base coat in my favorite white (SW Snowbound). I found this stencil on Amazon and I love how the scallops were a bit larger than others I had seen. I wasn’t sure if I wanted a mustard-y gold (but not metallic gold) or a peach and posted a poll on my stories. It really was about 50/50 and so then it came down to a family decision and what would probably be best long term.

We decided on peach between the two colors, which ended up being SW Warming Peach. Let me tell you: I absolutely love it (!!!!) and am so thankful we went with it. What made this project so. much. easier. was the Frogtape I used as well as my go to painters tape and drape – game changer!!! Trust me, if you buy anything before you paint – it’s this one! It makes clean up a breeze!

Back to the painting, after I did the base coat and it was fully dry, I separated off a portion of the wall where I wanted the scallop detail to go. I taped the stencil to the wall and traced each scallop with a pencil. Where one scallop ended, I started the next and just followed that until the wall ended. I took a small brush and used it to go over my pencil marks and then took a larger roller to paint all the way down to the baseboards. It really only took a few hours but it ended up being a few days because poor sweet Colly Girl got the flu and I needed to tend to her and abandon the project for a bit.

All in all, I am so pleased with how it came out, and definitely fits our little girl’s personality 🙂 Honey loved it too so I told her I’d do something similar in her room as I mentioned earlier (which I did…so stay tuned for part 2!)