We are now (over!) 4 months in with Colly Girl and she’s officially no longer a newborn! 😭 Howwwww?! She’s still tiny and sleeping like one doesn’t sleep 😂 so there’s that.

I’ve had a list in my phone over the last couple months of things we’ve been loving. There are a few things that were on here previously, but as time went on we didn’t love it or use it as much so those items have been removed. Baby products and gadgets are forever changing – what was in 8 years ago with my first isn’t now or maybe wasn’t as helpful after testing, use, and time. So many things proved to be worthless to me with my first and even second baby (diaper genie, wipe warmer, socks… I could go on and on).
That said, these products I truly stand by and have gotten us through the ups and downs of newborn life.
I’ll quickly highlight my top faves/can’t live withouts, but you can shop the graphic here: http://liketk.it/3g9VR
The Lifetree swaddles are my absolute FAVE baby swaddle. They’re mostly bamboo and so soft. Bonus- they come in a number of cute, trendy prints. Along with these swaddles we’ve been using the Halo swaddle sleep sacks religiously. Now that she’s a bit older, we’re no longer swaddling her hands but we still love these sleep sacks and just Velcro them around her body instead of covering up her hands/arms.

Colly in her Halo swaddle sleep sack + Snuggle Me

The Hatch. Ok, I’ve resisted buying one in the past with my others but now I’m hooked. I TOTALLY see the hype and why everyone raves. I love that you can program it to your day/your baby. Colly also loves the rain/water noises when she’s taking her naps during the day. To be honest, once she’s out of our room I want one for us. It’s so relaxing and I love that you can tailor it to you.
This nail filer. WHERE HAS IT BEEN ALL OF MY LIFE?! TOTAL game changer. I’m always nervous to cut nails because I have terrible eyes. In the past I’d make my husband or mom do it because it was way too difficult with my poor vision and I felt like I’d cut their skin in the process. The filer works on batteries and does not have anything that could harm baby. I tested it all over my fingers and hands before putting it to her. It’s so gentle, and even if you do hit the skin, it will not cut baby. Can’t recommend this enough! It’s also good for toddler nails.
I didn’t have any sort of lounger with my others so I was a little hesitant about getting the Snuggle Me but bought it on a really good Black Friday so I gave it a shot. So glad I did!!! This came in beyond helpful especially during those first couple months. We just recently stopped using it because she’s rolling, but as long as you use it as it’s recommended, I think it’s great to have. Colly seemed really content in it on the daily.
Now for my mama faves!! Again, going through pregnancy/post partum a fourth time around I knew there were a few products I wanted to have for immediately following (mostly comfort wise), but this list are things that have just helped me mom easier.

I don’t have this one in the graphic but it cannot go without mentioning. The Baby Brezza water warmer replaces the traditional bottle warmer and is probably my fave thing this time around. I feel like my time is spread thin between 4 littles and working full time and not waiting 5-10 min for a bottle to warm up is a total win. It definitely helps me move more swiftly throughout the day – and was really nice for those middle of the night feeds. Even though this is geared toward babies, I feel like it helps me more than ever and that’s why it’s on my list of MAMA FAVES!
Colly is both (formula) bottle and breast fed still, so I love the Haakaa during a nursing sesh to catch my let down on the opposite side. I always say with this little tool, you never waste a drop of that liquid gold! 😂
My diaper bag is definitely at the top of my list this time. It’s so roomy and I have tried sooo many bags and backpacks over the years and none have compared to this. The price is worth mentioning alone as it’s a super affordable option bags can be so pricey! This one is really reasonable.
Are there any products you couldn’t live without to survive newborn life?! I’d love to hear in the comments!