Usually once a week I will share a few videos and/or pics of Colly during her ‘spa day’ aka sink baths at home. I’ve had a lot of you reach out and ask ‘how is she so calm?’ and to share tips of how we’ve gotten here. Welllll, let me just say, It’s taken me a lot of learning, practice, and patience (and 4 babies later!), to find a good groove and really feel like my baby enjoys her bath and I enjoy it too!

A running joke with a friend of ours involved this meme 😉 She (a mother herself) came over one time when I was bathing Conner around 3 months and was pretty terrified 😂 She was like, “ANG! He hates this!” Hahaha. So needless to say my bathing techniques have come a long way.

Favorite products for bath time show below >>> linked here

I HAVE to highlight Tubby Todd because they are a MUST for newborn care/bathing. We’ve been using their wash since Cole was an infant and it is my go to. It’s so gentle and doesn’t have any of the “junk” in it. Truly so clean! Their AOO is also a necessity if you have a kiddo with sensitive skin. You can save using this link (discount automatically applied in cart)!

Here are some quick tips that have helped me perfect bath time for her:
•Temp of water-98.6-99 (I can tell at this point but I was checking it with a cooking thermometer in the beginning).
•We wash the cleanest part(s) to dirtiest part(s).
•No stimulation aka no siblings (though if they’re home they can’t help but check on her/ask to see her or do something).
•Wash cloths-2 at a time (1 to cover her and keep her warmer – babies temps drop significantly while bathing and they have to work to get it back up. I use the other to clean her).
•I will tell Alexa to play calm/relaxing sounds
•I will chat with her and ask her questions, etc. to calm and relax her.
•We have a faucet that moves so if you don’t have that this part won’t be possible, but I make sure I’m evenly distributing the water across her to keep her warmer as well.
•I also don’t bathe her when she’s overly hungry or tired which makes a huge difference in her mood. I also avoid bathing her immediately after a feed. Nursing or bottle feeding her afterwards always relaxes her after — I usually try to time it to where she can bathe, eat, nap/go to bed.

I hope that helps! I’m not expert, but have definitely seen what works and what doesn’t now (for both of us!) the fourth time around.