Okay this post is very last minute but if you have a teacher/aide/specialist/nurse you’re trying to gift tomorrow or even after the holiday, save this post! If you’ve already given all of your gifts, come back to these ideas for next year!

For Colly’s therapist, I made a small basket out of a reusable/decor basket and tied a little bow on it. Inside, I added filler, a monogram candle, a card of gratitude, a candy, and a Target gift card! Simple and well enjoyed!

For the kids’ teachers (& our favorite babysitter 😍) we did these reusable cups (they come in a 4 pack!), a Thread Mama gift tag, and gift cards attached with pretty satin ribbon and some sparkly star garland! Again, so easy and doesn’t break the bank!
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!